Help Make Birthdays Better

By Donate to the Atlanta BeltLine

On June 20, I'm turning 27. That might sound old to you or maybe very young.
Either way I have found out that both old and young people benefit from connected communities and cities. 

This year for my birthday I am asking you to skip the cupcakes, candles and presents and instead donate the money to a powerful project, which I am very passion about supporting. That project is the Atlanta BeltLine.

The Atlanta BeltLine has greatly added value to my life by providing areas to be active outdoors, connecting me with community and opening my eyes to Atlanta's unique neighbors and culture. 

I am not the only one that adores the Atlanta BeltLine either. The world is taking note. The Atlanta BeltLine was recently named the best environmental rehabilitation project in the world (details here).

My passion and belief in the power of the BeltLine is why I'm asking for a little moolah from everyone I know - of course, the money raised will go to the Atlanta BeltLine

My goal is to raise $2,700 by a week after my birthday, which just happens to be June 27.  
I would be delighted if you make a $27 donation for my 27th Birthday, though any amount will help.

100 people donate $27 in the next 27 days = I reach my goal. 

Even if I don't reach my goal, whatever I do raise will go to the Atlanta BeltLine, which will benefit both Atlantans and visitors from around the world. Win-win, really.

Please consider helping others live better lives in connected communities by clicking the "Donate Now" button on the right-side of this webpage and use PayPal to submit a celebration donation.

Countdown until June 27th begins now!

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